Welcome to Fullerton College! 葡京平台线上是一个蓬勃发展的学习和丰富的地方,远远超出了课堂和社区. The college actively contributes to the educational, cultural, social and economic forces that shape North Orange County and beyond. Read on to learn more!

Economic Impact

Established in 1913, 葡京平台线上是北奥兰治县的教育和经济重镇,也是加利福尼亚州规模最大、历史最悠久的社区学院之一. 葡京平台线上的价值既影响着学生的生活,也影响着县里的经济. 葡京平台线上以各种方式促进奥兰治县的经济增长. The college is an employer and buyer of goods and services, and the living expenses of students benefit local businesses. In addition, 葡京平台线上是奥兰治县居民的主要教育来源,也是县工业训练有素的工人的供应商.

在2016-2017分析年度,葡京平台线上对当地商界的总体影响为793美元.6 million in added income, equal to the sum of the operations spending impact, the student spending impact, and the alumni impact.

Impacts created by Fullerton College in FY 2016-17

Table describing impacts created by Fullerton College in fiscal year 2016-17

Return on Investment to Students, Taxpayers, and Society


Top industries impacted by Fullerton College in FY 2016-17

Table describing top industries impacted by Fullerton College

Measure J and Other Campus Projects

Over the next 20 years, 葡京平台线上将推出全面的建设和改造项目得益于J措施, a voter-approved bond from the November 2014 election. The initial priority projects include a parking structure; a Lab School (childcare center) and a horticulture building.

Additional plans include among others, a Welcome Center, which will house student/veteran services, a classroom building, 一个表演艺术中心和对教室建筑的最后翻新,这些都没有包括在之前的债券中, Measure X. 正式名称为富勒顿/赛普拉斯学院维修和学生/退伍军人工作培训措施, Measure J generates $574 million for facility improvements, upgrades, 并在北橙县社区学院区学校进行维修,其中还包括赛普拉斯学院和继续教育学院.


学院提供了一系列充满活力的艺术和文化活动,这些活动对周围社区开放,还包括植物销售和体育比赛. Many of the events are free and appropriate for the whole family. Visit the Fullerton College News Center for current event details at news.wuweicw.com.

Girl getting face painted on Dia de los Muertos

Dia de los Muertos

For more than 20 years, the college has attracted over 1,000 visitors to the annual Dia de los Muertos festival in the fall. 亡灵节(Dia de los Muertos)是墨西哥的一个节日,用来庆祝和纪念逝者. The event features DJs, Aztec dancers, a Folklorico dance group, food, and numerous handmade ofendras. Enjoy these photos from the 2017 festival.

Artist presenting work in Art Gallery

Art Gallery

参观位于1000号楼的著名的葡京平台线上美术馆,欣赏来自世界各地的优秀艺术家和崭露头角的艺术家. 艺术家驻校项目每年都会吸引知名艺术家,学院大量私人收藏的作品经常在展览中轮流展出. Visit the gallery’s website.

Students in Angel Stadium

FC Night at Angel Stadium

Each year, the college partners with the Angels of Anaheim to host a group night. Proceeds benefit student scholarships and the college’s Food Bank. Enjoy these photos from the 202 FC Night at Angel Stadium.

Group of students and staff working during Love Fullerton

Love Fullerton

Each spring, 葡京平台线上欢迎成千上万的人来到校园参加爱心富勒顿志愿者感恩烧烤. The annual day of service has grown to include the cities of Buena Park, Brea, Orange, Placentia, La Habra and Anaheim. See the 2018 photos on Facebook.

Music performance in the Campus Theatre

Theatre and Music Events

The Fullerton College Fine Arts Division offers numerous live music and theater performances throughout the year.

Painting during the French Film Festival

French Film Festival

法国电影节每年春天举行,已经被证明是学生和社区成员沉浸在法国电影中的绝佳机会. Visit the French Film Festival’s page to learn more.

Selection of plants available during the sale

Plant and Tomato Sales

园艺部每年都会举办销售活动,为园丁提供植物, herbs, and vegetables as well as events for Fullerton Beautiful, 橙县园艺大师和加州景观承包商协会. Visit the Horticulture department to learn more.

Group of students cheering during game

Athletic Events

全年都有许多男子和女子体育比赛,从我们的全国冠军足球队到我们的州冠军女子水球队. Visit Athletics to learn more.

Educational Partnerships


More than 23,000 students attend Fullerton College each year. 这些学生中的许多人在填写大学申请之前很久就在葡京平台线上了解了高等教育的价值和他们的潜力. Partnerships like the Amgen Biotech ExperienceAnaheim Union Educational Pledge, Fullerton Partnership, Orange County Teacher Pathway Partnership, Orange County Biotech Education Partnership, High School Theatre Festival, Jazz Festival and annual KinderCaminata event for kindergartners, 帮助学院向学生灌输高等教育的重要性,在他们形成的K-12年.

High school students attend presentation
Students with apparel of universities they are transferring to

Public and Private Universities

Fullerton College is No. 由于加州州立大学注重转学成功的强大文化,以及与众多公立和私立大学建立积极的关系,该校转学到加州州立大学系统的比例为1%. Please visit the Transfer Center website to see the breadth of transfer agreements open to students.

Community Partnerships

葡京平台线上致力于与众多社区组织合作,以改善北奥兰治县及其他地区的状况. Partner organizations include:

  • North Orange County Chamber
  • St. Jude Medical Center
  • Brea Chamber of Commerce
  • City of Fullerton
  • Love Fullerton/OC United
  • Angels of Anaheim
  • Fullerton Collaborative
President with Chancellor at event

Disney Aspire

Fullerton College is a part of the Disney Aspire network. Disney Aspire是华特迪士尼公司的教育投资和职业发展项目,为小时工提供100%的预付学费.

There are more than 29,加州有500名小时工有资格参加迪士尼立志计划, thousands of whom are already enrolled. As a result of these new additions, 预计员工还将能够亲自或在线参加选定的课程.

Read more about the program here.



葡京平台线上使用FCCareerConnect,这是一个由simplicity提供支持的职业管理系统. 该系统旨在提高学生、教师和雇主之间的有效沟通. 有兴趣接待葡京平台线上实习生的雇主可以了解更多葡京线上游戏平台在网站上发布葡京平台线上的信息 Career Center website. 如有问题,请联系葡京平台线上就业中心的詹妮弗·麦钱特,电话714.732.5542.

Bachelor and Graduate students

Please visit Grants and Economic Workforce Development to learn more about opportunities. Additionally, 研究生导师计划(GSI)将研究生与教师导师配对,以便为葡京平台线上的基础技能学生提供帮助. With faculty mentor guidance, 实习生在整个学期提供辅导和课程专题研讨会. In addition, 本课程为有意在社区学院任教的研究生提供宝贵的实践经验. Learn more on the Basic Skills website.

Current Students

Fullerton College students seeking an internship are invited to visit the Career and Life Planning Center.

Facility Rentals

Many Fullerton College facilities are available for community use, including the Campus Theatre, Wilshire Auditorium, conference rooms, classrooms and more. 参加校内活动必须提前6个工作日预约. Outside rentals must be submitted 21 business days in advance. Rentals are subject to fees and clients will be asked to provide insurance, and a copy of an IRS 501(c)(3) letter if using non-profit rates.


Keep up with campus news, events, achievements and more.



Man wearing Fullerton College hat at Angels game